IRS New "Fresh Start" Program works!

Earlier this year the IRS announced the “Fresh Start” program.  The IRS implemented this program to provide relief to struggling taxpayers.  I discussed the need for program in my blog posting, “IRS Overwhelmed by Offer in Compromise Requests, Changes Made.”  I must admit that I was a little skeptical of this program in the beginning.   But now I am a believer.
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Do not let your taxes snowball out of control (Part Two)

Having discussed Sally’s tax delinquencies and the corrective action taken by ALG Tax Solutions in Do not let your taxes snowball out of control (Part One), the following narrative is about an independent contractor named George.  Name and location changes to protect client confidentiality are in effect.  This is another real life example demonstrating how back taxes can become as threatening as an out-of-control snow ball rolling down the hill. Continue reading…