Set Up a Business for Liability Protection

We get asked all the time. How do you set up a business? Do you need to file anything? Do you have to register the business? What type of business do you recommend? We will tackle these questions in a multi-part series reviewing the different business types: doing business as (DBA), limit liability company (LLC), and corporation.

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IRS Home Office Tax Deductions

Claiming IRS home office tax deductions increases your chances of an IRS audit. Is that true? In our experience, the answer is generally no. If you run your business out of your home and maintain a home office, then you should take your deductions. There is no reason to leave money on the table. Especially to the IRS!  The first step for claiming home office deductions is to understand the rules.

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Tips for Paying Your Tax Bill

If you filed for an automatic 6 month extension then tax season is officially over as of October 15, 2014.  The IRS doesn’t allow any additional extensions.  There are numerous reasons why a decision was made to request more time to file a tax return.  One reason is you needed more time to pay the taxes.  The following are some tips for paying your tax bill.

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Crazy IRS Voicemail

We received an email from one of our clients yesterday.  She received a call from the IRS.  The IRS left a crazy voicemail.  In the voicemail, the IRS threaten to sue her.

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IRS Letter Decoder

You open your mail box and there is an IRS letter. Every time you receive an IRS letter, you get a nervous feeling in your gut. Especially, if you receive a certified IRS letter. You start reading the IRS letter and realize you have no idea what the IRS is telling you. All you see is taxes, interest, and penalties. What do you do?

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